Date: February 26th,
Time: 1pm EST (Eastern Standard Time: New York time)
19:00 CET (Central European Time: Paris, Berlin, London)
Perhaps the IFCIDs changes and additions to EDM & DSC in DB2 10 made your DB2 heart jump for joy? The thought of all of that fantastic “cheap” data about your SQL workload and KPIs now available to help provide better insights into your DB2 z/OS processing…
However, the reality of coping with all of that extra information can be overwhelming: The sky’s the limit – but where do you start?
Three different overviews of aggregated data This webcast shows three examples of how easy it is to use SQL WorkloadExpert for DB2 z/OS (aka WLX) to obtain overviews of aggregated data – otherwise very difficult to get to – and then drill-down to previously unseen detail levels: | ||
This informative 30 minute webcast is presented by our resident DB2 expert Roy Boxwell.
Speaker biography
Roy Boxwell has more than 26 years of experience in MVS, OS/390, and z/OS environments – 21 of those in DB2. He specializes in installation, migration, and performance monitoring and tuning. Roy leads the SEG development team responsible for the real time database maintenance solutions. He is also an active participant, speaker and contributor on the IDUG DB2 Listserv and sends out a monthly DB2 newsletter.