2023-09 Toronto visit

Ahhh! What a great time I just had in sunny ol‘ Toronto. I was extremely happy to be back at the Central Canada Db2 Users Group (CCDUG) meeting for 2023 held at the BMO Institute For Learning. It has always been a fantastic venue for presenters and attendees, and this year we had the added bonus of a „Coyote“ warning… fun fun fun!

The CCDUG is a two day, three track mini-IDUG if you like, and the organizers added onto the second day an AppDev track as well. So you had Db2 for z/OS, Db2 for LUW, IMS and AppDev – A very nice mix of things indeed!

Just the Facts, Ma’am!

I am mainly a z/OS style of guy (old school!) and so went for the z/OS track of course! It all started, as normal, with a keynote from Michael Kwok that was all about „accidental discoveries“ and how these often have had a tremendous impact on the world. Examples included Penicillin and Microwave cookers. It also included Db2!

He highlighted the environmental factors required for innovation to succeed:

01 Have an open mind

02 Use Strategy as a filter

03 Commit

Open Minded?

For the first point, Penicillin, having an open mind was important when Alexander Fleming, in September 1928, noticed the effect that a mold had on his old petri dishes. It was having an open mind that enabled him to really see the very first antibiotic in action. Sadly, it took another 14 years before it was actually used in a pure form and yet another year before mass production started in the second world war.

Strategy is Everything!

Using Strategy as a filter was highlighted by looking at how Bill Gates took advantage of the CP/M creators Digital Research people’s failure to meet and agree a deal with IBM to discuss a new OS for the IBM 5150 PC. IBM then contacted Microsoft, who agreed to write PC-DOS which evolved into MS-DOS which basically started the modern PC world we all now know today.

Commit is Not Just a Db2 Verb!

Commit was all about the invention of Microwave Cookers! Percy Spencer working at Raytheon in 1945 was working with Radar sets using high energy magnetrons (A British invention, again in the second world war) and he noticed that a chocolate bar in his pocket melted. It took an awful lot of commitment to eventually get the product to market and it first appeared in 1947 as the „Radarange“ at $5000, 3kw and was water-cooled!

Oh oh! IBM at Work…

Into these three ideas comes IBM! Back in the 60’s and 70’s, data centers started storing more and more data and Tedd Codd wrote down the rules of the Relational Data Model in his seminal paper „A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks“ in June 1970. Now back in those days, IBM was not exactly well known as being Open Minded, Strategic or Committed!

Then, a few extraordinary individuals pulled it all together to actually get what was called System R, the granddaddy of all Relational Databases, into existence, starting in 1974 and got its first customer in 1977. It still took another six years to actually arrive at DB2 in 1983, and ten years later, we got DB2 for LUW as well. The actual GA date of DB2 1.1 was the 2nd of April 1985.

So, basically, Db2 was an accidental discovery!

Then it Begins!

The sessions at CCDUG then all kicked off, so here is my list of the ones I either attended or read up afterwards (naturally, I cannot attend every session!) All are linked directly to the CCDUG website and I thank them for allowing public access!

Database Administration Enhancements of Db2 13 for z/OS from Robert Catterall. An excellent run through everything you need to know about Db2 13 including more PROFILE support. This is probably one of the most under-used Db2 features out there.

Db2 for z/OS 101: Buffer Pools and Group Buffer Pools from Tori Felt and Keziah Knopp. Was a highly entertaining 101 level intro to the complex world of Buffer Pools, Managers and disk usage within Db2 – Highly recommended as these little details easily get lost nowadays!

It’s AI Jim, but not as we know it! from me. Obviously, a fantastic presentation all about AI – truth or hype? 😄

Analysis of DEADLOCK IFCID 172 in SMF with no special tool and low cost from Xiaodong Ma. This was all about reading the bits and bytes from the IFCID to find *all* the blockers and waiters – not just the first two you get in the DSNT375I messages.

Who is afraid of DDF? from Toine Michielse was all about controlling your DDF workload simply and easily. Use of PROFILE is also recommended …

End of Day One

Then we had a very pleasant evening with the Vendor Expo and prize draws before retiring to the bar to drink some cold beverages and play pool!

Next day, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed we started off again.

Securing Db2 for z/OS Data: Encryption and Much More from Robert Catteral which contained a ton of great information all about encrypting and securing your data and communications – Great stuff!

An Audit a day keeps the lawyers at bay! from my colleague Ulf Heinrich listed out all the requirements for auditing a Db2 system from the auditor’s perspective. Including real-world examples and ending with a „how it looks in Zowe“ bonus preview!

Db2 for z/OS Administrative and Developer tools strategy: Customer feedback, roadmap, and future direction from Sowmya Kameswaran was all about the ongoing project to unify the user experience in Db2. This includes the IBM Unified Management Server for z/OS, IBM Db2 Administration Foundation for z/OS, IBM Db2 DevOps Experience for z/OS, IBM Query Workload Tuner for z/OS , IBM Db2 Analytics Accelerator Administration services for z/OS , Zowe and IBM Db2 for z/OS Developer Extension! A ton of stuff here!

Partition By Range (PBR) and Relative Page Number (RPN) explained from Frank Rhodes drilled down into the nitty gritty details of PBG, PBR and the seven-byte RID!

Db2 For z/OS and Unicode – What you need to know from Chris Crone went into details about what exactly you need to know about UNICODE and how it affects you, your data, and your SQL applications! COLLATION_KEY is the really good one here!

Db2 for z/OS System Profile Monitoring: Overview and Db2 13 Enhancements from Mark Rader contained all the great new stuff in Db2 13 regarding PROFILE usage. Once again well worth a read as it is the best way to control DDF. Slide 15 is the highlight for me!

On the Application development front there were also a whole bunch of great presentations:

Db2 SQL and SQL PL – A Journey Through Db2 12 and 13 Functions Levels from Chris Crone where he runs through the new SQL and SQLPL stuff from Db2 12 before showing all the new stuff in Db2 13 as well.

Db2 for z/OS: REST and Hybrid Cloud from Tori Felt and Keziah Knopp was a huge presentation all about RESTful APIs and all the fun and games involved with them… Covered here was all the stuff on GET, POST, PUT etc. etc., also JSON, z/OS Connect et al!

Db2 Hot topics from Progressive Insurance from Bob Vargo and Dustin Ratliff. They discussed the challenges of how to get SQL Data Insights up and running and then got into FTB and PROFILE usage again (I love PROFILEs, have I mentioned this before?)

Explain explained from Toine Michielse. Does what it says on the side of the can! He shows, and explains, all the available access paths so that everyone is „on the same page“ afterwards.

Bringing Db2 for z/OS-Based Applications Into the Modern Age from Robert Catterall where he showed the modern new way to access the data using REST services with plus and minus points of them. Then he went on to highlight the „new features“ in Db2 for z/OS like System and Business time or XML columns and tables and finished off with a review of the advantages that SQL PL and Native SQL Procedures can give you.

DB2 SQL – go beyond the usual – My current TOP 40 SQL tips, tricks, and opinions from Brian Laube where he discussed all of the tricks and secrets he has learned over the years. Very worthy of a good read!

That’s all folks! I did not even mention all of the LUW or the IMS ones – Feel free to look for them as well if you are interested.

As always, a fantastic conference and I am already looking forward to the next one in 2024!


Roy Boxwell

2023-05: ZPARMs never stop changing part II

This month, I want to go through some of the absolutely most important ZPARMs that control how your Db2 systems behave in a very significant manner. All of the following ZPARMs have a performance impact of some sort. We are always trying to squeeze the last drop of performance out of our Db2 sub-systems, aren’t we?

Db2 13 and Some Db2 12 Updates Ahead!

Since this Newsletter topic first came out, in March 2022, out of the ten ZPARMs listed *five* have got new defaults! I have highlighted all these changed defaults. I have also added three new „Usual Suspects“ to the list of ZPARMs that must be checked…

Starting with the Easy Stuff…

CACHEDYN. YES/NO, default YES. Should always be set to YES – unless you do not care about saving dynamic SQL performance. Back a few decades ago, the recommendation was to have this set to NO as default! Hard to believe that these days, where most shops have 80% – 90% dynamic SQL during the day!

Now we Get to the Numerics!

OUTBUFF. 400 – 400,000, default 102,400. This is *extremely* important and you really should set it to the highest possible value you can afford in real memory! As a minimum, it should be 102,400 KB (100MB). This is the buffer that Db2 uses to write log records before they are „really“ written to disk. The larger the buffer, the greater the chance that, in case of a ROLLBACK, the data required is in the buffer and not on disk.

Skeletons in the Closet?

EDM_SKELETON_POOL. 5,120 – 4,194,304, default 81,920. This is one of my personal favorites, (I wrote a newsletter solely on this a few years ago). I personally recommend at least 150,000 KB and actually even more if you can back it with real memory. Just like OUTBUFF, pour your memory in here but keep an eye on paging! If Db2 starts to page, you are in serious trouble! Raising this can really help with keeping your DSC in control.

DBDs are Getting Bigger…

EDMDBDC. 5,000 – 4,194,304, default 40,960. The DBD Cache is getting more and more important as, due to UTS usage, the size of DBDs is increasing all the time.

DSC is Always Too Small!

EDMSTMTC. 5,000 – 4,194,304, default 113,386. The EDM Statement Cache (really the Dynamic Statement Cache) is where Db2 keeps a copy of the prepared statements that have been executed. So when the exact same SQL statement with the exact same set of flags and qualifiers is executed, Db2 can avoid the full prepare and just re-execute the statement. This is basically a no-brainer and should be set to at least 122,880 KB. Even up to 2TB is perfectly OK. Remember: A read from here is *much* faster than a full prepare, so you get a very quick ROI and great value for the memory invested! Keep raising the value until your flushing rates for DSC drop down to just 100’s per hour, if you can! Remember to cross check with the EDM_SKELETON_POOL ZPARM as well. It always takes two to Tango…

How Many SQLs?

MAXKEEPD. 0 – 204,800, default 5,000. The Max Kept Dyn Stmts parameter is how many prepared SQLs to keep past commit or rollback. It should be set to a minimum of 8,000 or so. Raising this might well cause a large memory demand in the ssidDBM1 address space so care must be taken.

RIDs Keep Getting Longer…

MAXRBLK. 0, 128 – 2,000,000, default 1,000,000. RID POOL SIZE is the maximum amount of memory to be available for RID Block entries. It should be at least 1,000,000 and, if you can, push it to the maximum of 2,000,000. Unless you want to switch off all RID Block access plans, in which case you set it to zero – Obviously not really recommended!

Sorts Always Need More Space

MAXSORT_IN_MEMORY. 1000 to SRTPOOL. Default 2000. The maximum in-memory sort size is the largest available space to complete ORDER BY, GROUP BY or both SQL Clauses. Remember that this is per thread, so you must have enough memory for lots of these in parallel. The number should be between 1,000 and 2,000, but whatever value you choose, it must be less than or equal to the SRTPOOL size.

Sparse or Pair-wise Access?

MXDTCACH. 0 – 512, default 20. Max data caching is the maximum size of the sparse index or pair-wise join data cache in megabytes. If you do not use sparse index, pair-wise join, or you are not a data warehouse shop, then you can leave this at its default. Otherwise, set it to be 41 MB or higher. If it is a data warehouse subsystem, then you could set this as high as 512 MB. (This ZPARM replaced the short-lived SJMXPOOL, by the way.)

Sort Node Expansion

SRTPOOL. 240 – 128,000, default 20,000. SORT POOL SIZE is the available memory that is needed for the sort pool. IFCID 96 can really help you size this parameter. Remember that the number of sort nodes leapt up from 32,000 in Db2 11 to 512,000 nodes for non-parallelism sorts and 128,000 nodes for a sort within a parallel child task in Db2 12. This means raising this ZPARM can have an even greater positive effect than before.

The Three New Guys on the Block!

To the MAX!

DSMAX used to be around 20,000 and can now be between 1 – 400,000. Remember that you will never actually reach this maximum limit as it is 31-bit memory-constrained.

Thrashing Around…

NPGTHRSH. Valid values are 0 or 1 – 2147483647. Default up to Db2 11 was 0, from Db2 12 default is now 1. SAP systems use a default of 10. The big change here, was in Db2 12 when the change from „no statistics ever ran“ of -1 forced the value to be the „optimizer default“ of 501 instead of the real value -1. This is also why the default is now 1 ,so that this ZPARM has a normal use! Setting it to 0 means that the access path chosen will always only be cost based.

Lock ‚em Up and Throw Away the Key!

NUMLKUS. 0 – 104857600, with a default of 20,000. Just be careful raising this value too high, as each lock will take 540 bytes of storage in the IRLM!

Your „Top Ten List“ + Three

These thirteen ZPARMs really influence how your Db2 system works and so must always be checked and changed with great care and attention to detail. Always do a before and after appraisal to see whether or not changing them helped or hindered your system!

If you have any comments, or other ZPARMs you think are also important for performance, feel free to drop me a line!

IDUG 2023 NA

IDUG is nearly upon again. I will be there in Philadelphia at the SEGUS booth and doing a fair bit of moderating as well. Drop on by, have a chat and pick up some of our swag and join me at the „Roy reviews AI with our WorkloadExpert“ PSP on Thursday for a chance to win some cool stuff.

Hope to see some of you there!


Roy Boxwell