2020-07 IDUG 2020 What I have learnt

As noted in my last newsletter, the virtual world is influencing us all now. The IDUG North America 2020 had to “go virtual” and here are a few points I picked up over the last weeks while manning our virtual booth and attending virtual sessions. These are just randomly sorted and there were a ton of other interesting IDUG presentations that I recommend you try and read!

Always on

IFCID 376 for incompatible changes should be on all the time in all systems. The reasoning behind this, is quite simple: The longer ahead you are seeing problems the more time you have to get an application fix. Naturally, you can and should use the APPLCOMPAT feature to lock down applications, but when you wish to use newer features you cannot rely on this anymore. This leads to the paradox of don’t go there yet, but go there as fast as you can! Judicious use of this IFCID could well save you an embarrassment or two!

PBGs forever

Well, only in small doses! The idea with these, is to use them as a plug-replacement for segmented and simple spaces, but only with MAXPARTITIONS set to 1 – A bit strange though, as that caps your maximum size quite a bit, but the reasoning here is to use the DSSIZE to actually control the size of your objects and not let them grow and grow and grow.

FTB switch off

Sadly, the use of FTB Fast Traversal Blocks is not recommended at this time due to ongoing issues. In fact, a Red Alert came during the IDUG noting that we should also switch off Insert Algorithm 2 (IAG2) – there is even an APAR out there to change the IAG2 default to “switch off by default”. This is a real shame, as these two features were always touted as the next best thing after sliced bread. Oh well…

New Db2 Version

Yes indeed! – Spotted in at least one IBM presentation were tantalizing hints about a new release coming out. Remember when Db2 12 came out, the list of reasons for a new version/release were just “Major control block changes or a New PL/X compile to take advantage of any new architecture level” – Well, a few months ago, a new reason appeared: “Changes to terms and conditions” which I quite liked, as that is pretty transparent! Now I have seen a new one: “Non-UTS Tablespaces will be retired in the future as part of a future function level or VNEXT“

Yep, VNEXT is back – Yoo-hoo!

RUNSTATS you like

Not really learnt by me, but a few people mentioned that when you REORG only collect stats at the TS level if things have really changed. If you REORG Indexes *never* collect inline stats. Why? These days the reasons for REORG can be for actioning DDL changes and, in these cases, spending all the CPU to re-get the stats data is probably pointless. On the other hand, with indexes you can get statistical data drift, and so it makes *no* sense to do inline stats with index reorgs at all.

RTS Time travel

In Db2 12 we got a whole bunch of SYSIBM.SYSxxxxx_H style tables. We got two for the RTS tables, and you must “activate” them as they are not active by default. There are also no indexes and no automatic deletion, so when you do the ALTERs make sure you have thought about, and created, performance indexes and a purge process for old, dead data. These tables can give very good insights into the overall performance and usage of all the objects in a Db2 system.

Distributed Level

For access Db2 12 we got a little update about exactly which levels are required:

Need V11.1 FP1 (JCC driver level 3.72 to 4.22) to exploit beyond V12R1M500 (or NFM mode), otherwise ANY supported level should work

• Need clientApplCompat driver parameter to exploit features in M501+

  • Made optional with APAR PH08482 for down-level clients and Db2 Connect Servers

This is still a major cause of confusion even today, nearly three years after Db2 12 was first released!

Buzzword Bingo

Then I started the Jenkins, Pipeline learning curve, but I must admit, as an old COBOL guy, all the new stuff is a bit strange. GiT is still a term of abuse for me! But the presentation went into near epic depth about how to actually get it all working… I added this to my bucket list! I especially liked the SCORCHING JIT compiler optimization setting.


The use of REORGINSERTS is no longer recommended as a reason for a REORG. A few releases ago, the REORGUPDATES reason was also removed. Now we only have REORGDELETES from the classic counters in the RTS that should be used as a trigger for a TP/TS level REORG.

So, did you learn anything new at the IDUG? Is there anything I missed?

As always, any questions or comments would be most welcome and I would love to “virtually” meet you all soon!


Roy Boxwell

2020-06 Let’s get Virtual with each other

Due to the Corona virus a whole bunch of us IT folk have been getting a lot of “virtual” recently! We are viewed as being “system relevant” and some of us *must* work from home to keep the systems rolling. This month I thought I would walk down the road we at Software Engineering and SEGUS have all about virtual, and simulated, Db2.

Virtual, really?

The first thing is to think what do we mean by “virtual”, when I hold a live webinar I am talking live and you are listening live, there is nothing really virtual about it is there? The same is true about Db2 sub-systems. If you wish to test a major upgrade of your software (or even just a FL switch) you really should get it all tested in a virtual world before letting it loose in the real world!

How to get there?

You need a complete copy of your Db2 Catalog and Directory. That is enough – User data is not required and actually could be classified as dangerous from the Audit point of view! How you get this done is your business but I use ICE our InstantCloning Expert to get the job done really really fast!


Nope, once you have got this data copied across you need to “virtualize” the ZPARMS, bufferpools and even the hardware you currently have in production. IBM came up with an interesting way of doing this with hideously complicated HEX updates of EXPLAIN columns but I use VOX our VirtualOptimizer Expert to do all this for me!

Done yet?

Of course not! What is the good of having a virtual production system when you have no SQL to actually run on it? Just doing an EXPLAIN is ok of course – see later – but actually running the SQL that runs on the productive system should be your goal. For this I use the WLX (SQL WorkLoadExpert) tool to collect as much SQL as I like on production and then use this “workload” on my virtual production to actually check what happens when software is running.


Still not yet! The next part of the puzzle is to also EXPLAIN all of the dynamic and static SQL both before and after the “change” whatever that change may be! You then compare the outputs of about 120,000 explains to see where anything diverges in its access plan. I use our BIX BindImpact Expert to do all this automatically for dynamic and static SQL.

You must be done by now!

Never! The final piece of the virtual puzzle is now to switch on the IFCID 376 while running the SQL workloads to give you a heads up if any application changes are rolling down the road towards you. We are all aware that application changes take a while to get approved and done and the further out you can see the obstacle the easier it is to plan and avoid the crash!

It’s all too much!

Well, you can even do a “cheaper” variant – Instead of cloning the whole Db2 subsystem just copy the DDL, using DEFINE NO of course, and the production Statistics using our ProductionSimulator tool to a sand-box style Db2 subsystem. You can also rename the objects on the fly and this all enables EXPLAIN processing to be done without a real workload. This will only show you changing access plans for your static and dynamic SQL but is clearly much better than nothing!

Sounds Cool!

It is! You have a nearly 100% automated method to completely check any Db2 subsystem for any changes and using our advanced checking algorithms we can weed out all the background noise to let you see just “the facts ma’am”

But Virtual with each other?

As you are probably aware the IDUG NA 2020 has gone Virtual on us all and so it has a bunch of live sessions and a whole raft of pre-recorded sessions. Happily they also Include mine – released on the 3rd August – ”A DBA’s Got to Know Their Limitations!” I am also holding a VSP about Zowe (The zGUI r(evolution) – What is ZOWE going to do for me?) on Monday 10th August at 4pm EDT (22:00 Berlin) with live Q&A.

Please visit our virtual Booth at


Click on the SEGUS booth, middle row right hand side,  then scroll down to register and get the chance to win an iPad!!! A real one as well…


As always, any questions or comments would be most welcome and I would love to “virtually” meet you all soon!


Roy Boxwell

2020-05 Things I never knew

Believe it or not, I actually do not know everything (Please do not tell my long-suffering wife!) about Db2. I do know a ton of stuff, but you never ever stop learning.

I thought I would create a newsletter out of all the stuff I never knew before that I have learnt over the last few years. Maybe you’re very clever and know all of this already? But if you don’t, that’s OK too.

Sliding Scale

We have a nice piece of software called Space AssuranceExpert for Db2 z/OS (SAX), that guarantees that you do not hit any of the various limits within space management, and beyond, on Db2. When IBM introduced their sliding scale of secondary allocations it collided with our variant. (We use “seed” values to get, what I believe, is a much better utilization of available space, but I digress…) so we changed our system to check the MGEXTSZ. This, by the way, is one of the worst documented ZPARMs I have ever tried to understand! The documentation states “MGEXTSZ default YES – If SECQTY is greater than 0 then the sliding scale will be used”. So, when you create an object using SECQTY -1 or just not using SECQTY (also gives you -1) it would appear that the sliding scale is switched off… Well what IBM really meant was the SECQTY of the allocated VSAM dataset. Naturally this is either zero (no secondaries for you!) or a positive number! If you look at the Db2 Catalog tables you will also see that the fields you use as PRIQTY and SECQTY are actually stored as PQTY, SQTY, and SQTYI so, technically speaking, IBM are correct. The only case where MGEXTSZ is actually used is if you *do* have a positive value in the SQTY/SQTYI field. If MGEXTSZ is YES then this value is ignored and the sliding scale is used, if MGEXTSZ is NO then the value of SQTY/SQTYI, converted back to kilobytes of course, will be used.

An extent by any other name

Talking about SAX: I also saw something quite amazing as a customer allocated a PBG space with 11 maxpartitions and a DSSIZE of 8GB. He managed to hit maxpartitions without getting warned by SAX. “Impossible”, I said! There is no way it can allocate one dataset at 8GB with *no* extents… Yet this customer had somehow managed it… Their EAVs are so huge, they could allocate without a *single* extent being requested. Now, I always thought that every dataset that is allocated gets one extent, and that this extent would trigger the IFCID 258. I was wrong! The creation of an LDS, if it does not require more than one extent, does not trigger this IFCID. It does, however, trigger the IFCID 97 (LDS Creation).So I added this IFCID into our SAX system too and now we are able to catch LDS problems even with *massive* disks!

Index for DGTT

This brings me to the next item. If you create a DGTT:


You get *no* dataset being created after all why? It just goes in DSNDB07 etc. so a create makes no sense, right? 

SAX has seen nothing either:

O2RT-SU04-011I: 10:01:09 - Datasets will be processed now                  

Now create an index on that DGTT


Now you do get a dataset being allocated and deleted!

O2RT-SU04-011I: 10:01:09 - Datasets will be processed now                 
O2RT-SU04-024I: LDS creation for DB2DC1.DSNDBD.DSNDB07.TIX12768.I0001.A001 
O2RT-SU04-011I: 14:41:58 - Datasets will be processed now                 

Notice the Database name “DSNDB07”?- This tells you that it is creating a dataset in the work database but this is not really documented anywhere. Naturally, if you think about it for a while, it *must* create a VSAM LDS to simply hold the data, as it cannot use another one of the DSNDB07 tablespaces for that purpose! This is something to bear in mind when using indexes on DGTTs. You get dataset create/delete elapsed time…


In Db2 12, FL100 RUNSTATS was enhanced to enable Frequency and Histogram data to be collected into the SYSKEYTGTDIST catalog table. I created an XML Object:

DROP DATABASE      "BOXWELLX" ;                                     
COMMIT ;                                                           
  CREATE DATABASE "BOXWELLX"                                       
         BUFFERPOOL BP0                                            
         INDEXBP    BP0                                            
         STOGROUP   SYSDEFLT                                       
         CCSID UNICODE                                              
COMMIT ;                                                           
  CREATE       TABLESPACE "XMLCUSTO"                               
         IN "BOXWELLX"                                             
         USING STOGROUP SYSDEFLT                                   
         PRIQTY      720                                           
         SECQTY      720                                           
         ERASE NO                                                  
         DEFINE YES                                                
         FREEPAGE    0                                             
         PCTFREE     5                                              
         GBPCACHE CHANGED                                          
         TRACKMOD YES                                              
         LOG      YES                                              
         MAXPARTITIONS  6                                           
         BUFFERPOOL BP0                                            
         LOCKSIZE ROW                                              
         LOCKMAX SYSTEM                                            
         CLOSE YES                                                 
         COMPRESS NO                                               
         CCSID UNICODE                                             
         MAXROWS  255                                               
         SEGSIZE    4                                              
COMMIT ;                                                           
  CREATE TABLE "BOXWELL"."XMLCUSTOMER"                             
  ("CID"                            BIGINT                  NOT NULL
  ,"INFO"                           XML                             
  ,CONSTRAINT CID                                                  
   PRIMARY KEY                                                     
  IN  "BOXWELLX"."XMLCUSTO"                                        
  AUDIT NONE                                                       
  DATA CAPTURE NONE                                                
  CCSID UNICODE                                                    
      VOLATILE CARDINALITY                                         
  APPEND NO                                                         
  COMMIT ;                                                   
           ON "BOXWELL"."XMLCUSTOMER"                         
           ("CID"                            ASC             
           USING STOGROUP SYSDEFLT                            
           PRIQTY      720                                   
           SECQTY      720                                   
           ERASE NO                                          
           FREEPAGE    0                                      
           PCTFREE    10                                     
           GBPCACHE CHANGED                                  
           DEFINE YES                                        
           COMPRESS NO                                       
           BUFFERPOOL BP0                                    
           CLOSE NO                                          
           PIECESIZE    2 G                                  
           COPY NO                                           
  COMMIT ;                                                   
    CREATE INDEX                       "BOXWELL"."CUST_TYPE" 
           ON "BOXWELL"."XMLCUSTOMER"                        
    GENERATE KEY USING XMLPATTERN                            
    AS SQL VARCHAR( 128)                                     
           NOT CLUSTER                                       
           NOT PADDED                                        
           USING STOGROUP SYSDEFLT                           
           PRIQTY        4                                   
           SECQTY        4                                   
           ERASE NO                                          
           FREEPAGE    0                                     
           PCTFREE    10                                     
           GBPCACHE CHANGED                                  
           DEFINE YES                                        
           COMPRESS NO                                        
           BUFFERPOOL BP0                                    
           CLOSE YES                                         
           PIECESIZE    2 G                                  
           COPY NO                                           
    CREATE INDEX                       "BOXWELL"."CUST_ZIP"  
           ON "BOXWELL"."XMLCUSTOMER"                        
    GENERATE KEY USING XMLPATTERN                           
    AS SQL DECFLOAT(34)                                     
           NOT CLUSTER                                      
           NOT PADDED                                       
           USING STOGROUP SYSDEFLT                          
           PRIQTY        4                                  
           SECQTY        4                                  
           ERASE NO                                         
           FREEPAGE    0                                    
           PCTFREE    10                                    
           GBPCACHE CHANGED                                 
           DEFINE YES                                        
           COMPRESS NO                                      
           BUFFERPOOL BP0                                   
           CLOSE YES                                        
           PIECESIZE    2 G                                  
           COPY NO                                          
  COMMIT ;                                                  
    CREATE INDEX                       "BOXWELL"."CUST_PHONE"
           ON "BOXWELL"."XMLCUSTOMER"                       
    GENERATE KEY USING XMLPATTERN                           
    AS SQL VARCHAR( 128)                                    
           NOT CLUSTER                                      
           NOT PADDED                                       
           USING STOGROUP SYSDEFLT                          
           PRIQTY        4                                  
           SECQTY        4                                  
           ERASE NO                                          
           FREEPAGE    0                                    
           PCTFREE    10                                    
           GBPCACHE CHANGED                                 
           DEFINE YES                                        
           COMPRESS NO                                      
           BUFFERPOOL BP0                                   
           CLOSE YES                                        
           PIECESIZE    2 G                                  
           COPY NO                                          
  COMMIT ;                                                


Then I needed to insert a few rows. Here are the five I used for my tests:

SET CURRENT SQLID = 'BOXWELL' ;                                  
COMMIT ;                                                         
DELETE FROM BOXWELL.XMLCUSTOMER ;                                
COMMIT ;                                                         
<customerinfo><name>Justin Horovitz</name>                        
<addr country="United States"><street>327 Ramses Ave</street>    
<phone type="work">818-956-06001</phone></customerinfo>'));      
<customerinfo><name>Matthew Broad</name>                         
<addr country="United States"><street>808 Mayo St</street>       
<phone type="work">818-541-06002</phone></customerinfo>'));      
<customerinfo><name>Laura McCarthy</name>                        
<addr country="United States"><street>5224 Grover Court</street> 
<city>San Jose</city><prov-state>California</prov-state>         
<phone type="work">408-956-06003</phone></customerinfo>'));      
<customerinfo><name>Mira Glass</name>                            
<addr country="United States"><street>444 Valencia St</street>   
<city>San Francisco</city><prov-state>California</prov-state>    
<phone type="work">415-762-06004</phone></customerinfo>'));      
'<customerinfo><name>Amir Malik</name>                           
<addr country="United States"><street>555 Bailey Ave</street>    
<city>San Jose</city><prov-state>California</prov-state>         
<phone type="work">408-555-06005</phone></customerinfo>'));      
'<customerinfo><name>Amir Malik</name>                           
<addr country="United States"><street>555 Bailey Ave</street>    
<city>San Jose</city><prov-state>California</prov-state>         
<phone type="work">408-555-06995</phone></customerinfo>'));      INSERT INTO BOXWELL.XMLCUSTOMER VALUES (06996, XMLPARSE(         
'<customerinfo><name>Kathy Smith</name>                          
<addr country="Canada"><street>25 EastCreek</street>             
<phone type="work">416-555-06996</phone></customerinfo>'));      
'<customerinfo><name>Jim Noodle</name>                       
<addr country="Canada"><street>25 EastCreek</street>         
<phone type="work">905-555-06997</phone></customerinfo>'));  
'<customerinfo><name>Anant Jhingran</name>                   
<addr country="United States"><street>555 Bailey Ave</street>
<city>San Jose</city><prov-state>California</prov-state>     
<phone type="work">408-555-06998</phone>                     
<phone type="home">416-555-06998</phone>                     
<phone type="cell">905-555-06998</phone>                     
<phone type="cottage">613-555-06998</phone></customerinfo>'));
'<customerinfo><name>Bert and Ernie Inc.</name>              
<addr country="Canada"><street>1 Yonge Street</street>       
<phone type="work">416-555-06999</phone></customerinfo>'));  
COMMIT ;                                                     

If you run a RUNSTATS on that tablespace:

         FREQVAL   NUMCOLS 0001 COUNT   10 MOST
         FREQVAL   NUMCOLS 0002 COUNT   10 MOST
         HISTOGRAM NUMCOLS 0001               
         HISTOGRAM NUMCOLS 0002               
   SHRLEVEL CHANGE                            
   REPORT YES                                 
   UPDATE ALL                                  
   SORTDEVT SYSALLDA                          
   SORTNUM  0004                              

In Db2 11 and Db2 12 I got *exactly* the same output. Even though I have created three XML indexes that *should* have got the SYSKEYTGTDIST statistics! The Db2 Catalog entries for these three indexes also look a bit “odd” as the UNIQUERULE column is set to “D” (I was expecting an “X” for XML!) and the IX_EXTENSION_TYPE is set to “V” (XML). Interestingly the implicit I_DocId Index *is* a UNIQUERULE ‘X’ and IX_EXTENSION_TYPE blank entry even though, in my eyes, it is *not* an XML index!

Now, when you create the test objects listed above, you also get a whole bunch of implicit objects. The tablespace (mine was called XXML0000), which contains the implicit table BOXWELL.XXMLCUSTOMER with five columns and an implicit I_NodeId index.

If you now run this RUNSTATS:

         FREQVAL   NUMCOLS 0001 COUNT   10 MOST
         FREQVAL   NUMCOLS 0002 COUNT   10 MOST
         HISTOGRAM NUMCOLS 0001                
         HISTOGRAM NUMCOLS 0002                
   SHRLEVEL CHANGE                             
   REPORT YES                                  
   UPDATE ALL                                   
   SORTDEVT SYSALLDA                           
   SORTNUM  0004                             

In Db2 11 it moans about the FREQVAL and HISTOGRAM keywords:


And it does not create the SYSKEYTGTDIST entries. In Db2 12 it moans, but a bit differently:

THE KEYWORD IS IGNORED.                                                                                        DSNU1354I -DC10 120 09:13:07.35 DSNUSIIX - KEYWORD FREQVAL IS NOT SUPPORTED FOR CERTAIN TYPES OF XML OBJECTS. 
THE KEYWORD IS IGNORED.                                                                                       DSNU1354I -DC10 120 09:13:07.35 DSNUSIIX - KEYWORD HISTOGRAM IS NOT SUPPORTED FOR CERTAIN TYPES OF XML OBJECTS.
THE KEYWORD IS IGNORED.                                                                                        

In my case, right at the end of the job, were the successful results:

DSNU1353I -DC10 120 09:13:07.43 DSNUSUKD - SYSKEYTGTDIST CATALOG STATISTICS FOR                                 

                                       CUST_TYPE  KEYSEQ 0001                                                  

                              FREQUENCY           COLVALUE                                                     

                              ---------           --------                                                     

                              7,6923076923076E-01 X'776F726B0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000







                              LOWVALUE          = X'63656C6C0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000      





                              HIGHVALUE         = X'63656C6C0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000      





                              CARDF             = 1,0E+00                                                              

                              FREQUENCYF        = 7,6923076923076E-02                                                 

Most of the other columns were also reported, apart from one set of data which was strangely missing. Can you guess which one and why? Scroll back up to the creation of the indexes and you will see that I made one resolve into a DECFLOAT. This is*not* supported and so is simply ignored!

Where’s the beef?

Well, the interesting point about this “voyage of XML discovery” is you *must* run a RUNSTATS on a different tablespace than where the indexes were created. Does your current RUNSTATS creation software handle this? Or are you missing out on possible XMLEXISTS exploitation due to missing RUNSTATS? From the “What’s New?”:

Db2 can use frequency and histogram statistics for XML indexes to estimate the filter factor of XMLEXISTS predicates when the following conditions are true:

The predicate is one of the following types:

  • Equality predicates: =
  • Range predicates: >, >=, >=, <=
  • The right side of the predicate is a literal value.

Our Freeware StatisticsHealthCheck was just upgraded to version 3.4 to handle exactly this “problem”.

Naturally, if you can read, it is an advantage and the IBM Db2 documentation clearly states:

“XML indexes are related to XML tables, and not to the associated base tables. If you specify a base table space and an XML index in the same RUNSTATS control statement, Db2 generates an error. When you run RUNSTATS against a base table, RUNSTATS collects statistics only for indexes on the base table, including the document ID index.”

Db2 11/12 – Utilities – RUNSTATS – Collection of statistics on XML objects

I had never noticed that paragraph before… Shame on me!

Caught in a BIND

Back in Db2 10, IBM introduced the BIND PACKAGE(xxx) EXPLAIN(ONLY) syntax to fill the PLAN_TABLE and its buddies, but without actually doing a BIND. Very cool feature – until you find out that it jolly well *does* do a BIND, with all of the locking implications that we all know and hate, before casually doing a ROLLBACK as if “these are not the droids you are looking for”. One of my pet bugbears I can tell you!

And this can really hurt in production!

Learning Curve

What have you learned from Db2 over the years that was strange/obtuse or just downright weird? Don’t be shy! We’d love to hear about it.

As always, any questions or comments would be most welcome!


Roy Boxwell

GIVE and TAKE Programs 4, 5, 6, 7

Db2 11+ 12 Audit+ SIEM, Access Path Recovery, Space Assurance, ZOWE and SQL Workload Performance

Limited free-of-Charge Db2 Applications

Previous Give & Take

This Program started in Europe in 2016. We have „GIVEn“ various free-of-charge Use Cases from our SQL WorkloadExpert for Db2 z/OS like:

1 Index Maintenance Costs

2 EXPLAIN Suppression

3 BIF Usage

What we GIVE in 2020

  • 90 days free trial – even in production
  • Two webinars covering installation and all pre-reqs
  • Two days – free of charge – onsite support
  • Offer of two days – free of charge – for potential realization of customer requests and enhancements

What we TAKE

  • Your Real World Experiences
  •  Your permission to use the gathered data in our presentations (Anonymous or, if you allow it, with your customer name)

In return, we receive the results. We’d like to share this inspiring experiences with you and communicate with local User Groups worldwide.

Current Give & Take 2020, Germany offers


Db2 11+12 Audit+ SIEM

with Optional Framework Eclipse or ZOWE IBM GUI

January-March 2020 (1Q) – Flyer Audit More


Access Path Recovery

April-June 2020 (2Q) – Presentation More


Space Assurance – K-no-w Limits

July – September 2020 (3Q) – PresentationFlyer SAX More

Db2 Space Assurance Recovery; give and Take Programm 4,5,6,7; SOFTWARE ENGINEERING GMBH


ZOWE IBM GUI and SQL Workload Performance for Db2 12

Oct.-December 2020 (4Q)

We TAKE the anonymized results for research

and will communicate with the local User Groups for discussions

Inspiring experiences

See the Customer Statements & more details on the past Give & Take

2020-04 Four Flavors of Db2 Audit

These days there is a lot of talk about audit, specifically regarding Db2 on z/OS. So, in this newsletter, I wish to run through four different ways that you can “Get Audit Done”.

As well as simply getting it done, I will also run through the four different ways that you can process the gathered data.

Four ways to get a Db2 z/OS Audit done

1- First up

First option is the simplest, cheapest and quickest:

Do nothing.

Whether or not this will help your company is a non-trivial question of course!

Naturally this is an absolute No No.

2- Then we have

Next option is relatively simple and cheap, but requires a bit of work: 

Write it all yourself but based on existing data that some other process already extracts for you, (SMF for example). 

If you happen to have the skills for extracting the required audit data from existing data that is being collected anyway, then this might well be the best method if you are really strapped for resources. 

3- Getting there 

Then we have not so simple, still cheap, but a ton of work: 

Write it all yourself and add all the IFCIDs you actually need to audit your system as well as capturing all the SQL. 

This needs a serious amount of skills to get and keep up with the agile world of Db2. You will also need to take care of the amount of data that you will be collecting.

However, the auditor will be happy as you have everything they could ask for.

4- Aha! The only true way 

Last option is simple, not so cheap but very quick: 

Third party software that does it all for you.

This is my preferred solution, especially as we just happen to sell one (WorkLoadExpert Audit).

This is actually the only real way to go. You probably don’t have the time to keep all these things up-to-date and running correctly. 

Data Collected – Now what? 

So, you have chosen one of these ways to gather the data. Now you must evaluate what you got. Here again we have four separate ways to go forward: 

First up 

There it is! 

Do nothing. Just point at the datasets, print outs, database objects and say “It is all in there…” 

This is not really a solution and any auditor worth his, or her, salt would quite rightly be extremely upset! 

Then we have 

A whole bunch of pre-written SQLs. 

SPUFI is ok, but much better would be to see these in a GUI where graphical viewing is built in and saving and sharing results is much easier.  

This is not bad, but still a manual “island” process. Just Db2 and nothing else plus it must be triggered by humans. 

Getting there

A whole bunch of pre-written and custom SQLs.

This time, all run in Batch and the results are emailed to the auditor directly. These emails can “just sit there” until the auditor checks the results. Naturally, if anything is found, then the underlying data must still be there for a detailed analysis.

Better, as it is getting automatic but still not really “round”, as it is still Db2 in isolation…

Aha! The only true way

Use of LEEF or SYSLOGGER-style formats to export all audit data.

The data is then in a data-lake where SPLUNK, QRADAR et al can happily slice and dice their way through the data.

This is the best way!

You also get an extra bonus point for *removing* the data from the mainframe. As auditors *love* a single point of control, this is the only real way forward. It also pushes the Db2 data into the world of other data that auditors use and require.

Db2 Audit with „GIVE&TAKE“ :

Software Engineering GmbH and SEGUS Inc are launching a new free Give&Take which this time is the Audit support from WorkLoadExpert.

If you would like to take part, then please just fire off an email to db2support@segus.com telling us who you are and which firm you work for and we will get in touch!

Give and Take 

By the way, it is called “Give&Take” because :

  • we Give you the software, for free, to run for a trial period, and
  • we would like to Take away what you think, feel, and find about the software after the trial period. 

More about Give&Take


Roy Boxwell 

2020-03 Db2 REORG SYSCOPY: DRAIN Delays are Despicable

I heard about an interesting problem the other day. Please remember that “interesting” to me is just that: “interesting”. ”Interesting” for the DBAs and employees of the firm where it happened is, naturally, a bit different.

A normal start

  • Monday morning and all is well until around 07:00, when delays start appearing in online transactions.
  • Soon the delays are gaining the advantage and customers are starting to complain.
  • At around about 07:20 nearly the whole machine just sat there…
  • About 15 minutes later everything started running normally.

Hmmm, interesting.

The stage is set

So, the lead DBAs are off and running, looking for bad SQL that could possibly have caused the disturbance in the force.

They were checking whether the coupling facility was under stress, they were checking for parallel running REORG, MODIFY, or QUIESCE in the SYSIBM.SYSCOPY, they were using our WorkLoadExpert (WLX) to see what was happening in the time window involved.

Tuesday arrives

And so do I! As luck would have it, I am at this site to hold a presentation all about BindImpactExpert, which saves you from bad access paths, and RunstatsRescue, which rescues you from badly timed RUNSTATS. Now this site already has these products, but I must present to a new intake of DBA and developer employees.

Check everything

After my presentation we checked everything and found a few timeouts and deadlocks, but nothing serious. Then I got my Deer Stalker hat on, (now there’s an image!), and decided to see where delays were coming in. One of the developers had already done a quick WLX check and had seen very high Drain Lock values.

WLX outputs a summary of what workload has been processed which, here in the labs on my little test system, looks like this:

Wait times in microseconds because of …                                
 latch requests               :                 594                    0
 page latch                   :                   0                    0
 drain locks                  :                   0                    0
 drain lock claims            :                   0                    0
 log writer                   :               32230                    0
 synchronous I/O              :             6840389                 9623
 locks                        :                   0                    0
 synchronous execute          :                   0                    0
 global locks                 :                   0                    0
 other threads read  activity :            28429563                    0
 other threads write activity :               13166                    0 

At the actual customer site I could see a 1000 times increase in wait drain locks between two runs!

Utility versus SQL

Now, as I am sure you are all aware, a drain is *only* used by a command or a utility, so I started thinking:

“There must be a parallel running something somewhere!”

“There must be a parallel running something somewhere!”

So I used WLX to show me the SQLs that had the highest wait drain locks. I took the top two (over 30,000 seconds of delay!) and got their tablespace names from the Db2 Catalog using the first referenced table column.

Horrible Job to do

It is not a pleasant task to search master address space sysouts, but in this case it was the only way. Using the tablespace names from the Db2 Catalog. I just navigated to the date and time in question and did F commands in SDFS on the tablespace names.


After a few minutes I found a strange message (Correlation Id=010.TLPLKNC3) about a drain not being possible for an internal Db2 system task

– This happens to be used by REORG, and it gave me the info about where the drain came from. I looked at that system’s log output in the time range, and sure enough there was a REORG of that very table which kept failing due to not getting the drain!

A retry too far?

At this site they use a 3rd Party software tool to generate REORG, RUNSTATS and COPY and it had a default of RETRY 30. It kept trying 30 times before eventually failing.

This explains the missing SYSCOPY entry as the REORG had failed!

The other one?

So that was one bad boy found – What about the other? That tablespace did not appear in any of the sysouts. So I drilled down to get the full SQL text (Over 8000 bytes long!) and scrolled on down to the FROM lines – and there was the *first* table name! After the dust had settled, I went back and I saw that :

this one table was actually in every single SQL in the top 200 delay candidates! A pretty central table if you ask me!

Who? and Why?

The management level now wanted to know who did it? And why? I left that part up to the customer, of course, as I do not want to get involved in a finger pointing exercise! My feeling is: like most disasters, it was probably a chain of events something like:

  1. REORG generated on Sunday.
  2. Due to some unforeseen problem the JCL was shunted to Monday.
  3. On Monday at 07:00 it started and killed the machine.

Never again?

Best way is to generate jobs straight to the Job Scheduler for instantaneous execution (No waiting or shunting allowed) and guess what? We have the RealTimeDBAExpert (RTDX) that allows you to do just that! You can easily exclude objects from utilities based on days of the week, hours of day etc. If you have a bought-in or home-grown system would it also have caused this disaster?

Console Messages

If the customer had had our WLX Console Message Use Case licensed, it would have also made the detective work much easier, as then you have a central place to go where *all* console messages from *all* members are written and searchable! This would have saved a lot of time and trouble.

Bottom Line

(Removing my Deer Stalker hat and replacing it with a mortar board.)

Look everywhere, trust no-one and remember that a DRAIN is almost definitely nothing to do with SQL or a badly timed RUNSTATS.

As always, any questions or comments would be most welcome!


Roy Boxwell

2020-02 Db2 UPDATE column: UPDATEs for nothing and CPU ain’t free!

A bad misquote of a great Dire Straits song, but it is one great thing I saw last year!

What is an Update?

We all know what an update is, right? You have a column containing some value and you wish to update it to a new – different – value. You code an UPDATE with SET and all is done.

But, what happens “under the covers” when the column value you are updating is exactly the same as the new value?

Suspected real-time abuse

The problem surfaced gradually… as all good problems do… The DBAs were wondering why an SQL that was executed half a million times per day was waiting for other threads for so long. (This was discovered using our WorkLoadExpert (WLX)). The wait times were frighteningly high, and so it was decided that this SQL should be the target of some sort of tuning effort.

It then came out, while gathering basic tablespace statistical data, that :

the related tablespace had not been REORGed for over six months when, according to SEGs WorkLoadExpert, there were half a million updates every day against it!

RTS or SEG Bug?

Naturally the first idea is it must be a bug.

  • Either the Real-time Statistics (Not incrementing the REORGUPDATES counter – It could even be NULL for example) or,
  • heaven forbid, a bug in our WorkLoadExpert.

I took a closer look at the SQL:

UPDATE aaa.bbb
 SET COL1 = ?

and just sort of wondered out loud,

“They are not using the same value in both parameter markers are they?”

The “they” in this case was the developer of course…

Oh My Word!

After a quick e-mail discussion, it then came out that, that was indeed the case! Db2 is clever but sometimes not that brilliant! The developer had had the idea of executing this SQL to “see” if the value existed or not… He did not think about what Db2 then actually does…

Under the Covers

Db2 does not “know” what the current value of COL1 is. It used, in this case, Index access to get and obtain an X lock on the target page – (this was then the reason for the very large wait times on the other threads!). Once the lock was held, it could then discover that there was *nothing* to do, and so it did nothing! Then it happily released the lock(s) after doing nothing and returned SQLCODE 0.

No Log data was written as nothing was done, and REORGUPDATES was not incremented as nothing was done, but the CPU/Elapsed overhead was enormous!

The right way

The head DBA has said the SQL should look like:

SELECT ‘A’ FROM aaa.bbb

This is now on its way through change management! Naturally, it is the way the developer should have coded it from the get go!

What can you do?

Now this, of course, caused alarm bells to ring as “cut-and-paste” is your friend. If there is bad code in one place it is probably being copied further, even as you read this! Using SEG’s WorkLoadExpert and the Real-time Statistics, you can easily pull out and analyze any “bad guys”.

Put simply, use the UPDATE count from WLX and correlate it to the REORGUPDATES counter. If they are wildly different, taking into account REORGLASTTIME and WLX_TIMESTAMP, then you have a candidate to further track down!

Now, where are those refrigerators we have to move?

As always, I would be pleased to hear from you and any war stories you have!

Roy Boxwell
Senior Architect

More about WLX

2020-01 How RUNSTATS causes an error SQLCODE

Impossible! I hear you all say… How can a RUNSTATS *cause* an SQL error code? Well, my gentle readers, read on.

Two examples in SPUFI at the end of this newsletter

What we know

We are all, I hope, aware that a badly timed RUNSTATS can cripple your SQL Performance. Just think of a see-sawing, or volatile table, and it gets a RUNSTATS at the zero point… Tablespace scan is then a good access choice… After a couple of million inserts that is probably not the best!

Awful, Implicit Casting

Implicit casting came along a few Db2 releases ago and either made you very happy: “I never have to worry about using apostrophes again!” or very angry: “Developers must know what they are coding!” The thing is, we got it and you cannot *not* do it!

It goes both ways…

The idea behind Implicit casting, in case you don’t know, is that :

The predicate COL1 = 1 and COL1 = ‘1’ are the same to Db2.

It will take that ‘1’ and “cast” it to a variable type that will then be able to be compared to whatever type COL1 is.


  • if COL1 contains a numeric representation of data everything is ok.
  • But if COL1 is CHAR(1) and contains a ’Y’ you then get an SQLCODE -420

Nasty, nasty business…

Access path is also sub-optimal

When Db2 does implicit casting, it casts to DECFLOAT to then do the comparison etc. (See my DECFLOAT newsletter about what I think about that data type!) Anyway, it is *not* good for performance. In fact, it got so annoying that a few users actually asked for a ZPARM to switch off implicit casting! They actually wanted an error whenever they compared mismatched data types. This request was, of course, turned down.

So where’s the beef?

So, what happened in production was quite simple really:

A query had been running for three years with never a problem. Then one day, after a RUNSTATS, it started returning SQLCODE -420. This was due to the fact that the table processing order had switched, due to the RUNSTATS running at a “bad” time.

This in turn exposed the buggy SQL WHERE predicate that previously had never seen the bad data as it was removed in an earlier branch! This could also happen when the column in question actually contains non-numeric data perhaps dues to a code bug .

See the example SQL at the end  

RUNSTATS Rescue for Db2 z/OS

This user site has our software RUNSTATS Rescue so they quickly got the query up and running, without doing a code change, in a matter of seconds.

Of course, this bad code was discovered in the middle of the year end production freeze so they could not simply change the application code! This code change has been scheduled and will be done in the new year.

Bottom Line

RUNSTATS can cause negative SQLCODEs to be returned and RUNSTATS Rescue buys you the needed time to continue running – even with buggy SQL code!

As always, I would be pleased to hear from you and any war stories you have!

Roy Boxwell
Senior Architect

PS: Just for the record, here are two examples in SPUFI:

 FROM SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1                                                  
 WHERE IBMREQD = '1'                                                   
 DSNE610I NUMBER OF ROWS DISPLAYED IS 0                                 
 SELECT *                                                               
 FROM SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1                                                  
 WHERE IBMREQD = 1                                                      
 DSNE610I NUMBER OF ROWS DISPLAYED IS 0                                 
 DSNT418I SQLSTATE   = 22018 SQLSTATE RETURN CODE                        
 DSNT416I SQLERRD    = -245 0  0  -1  0  0 SQL DIAGNOSTIC INFORMATION    
 DSNT416I SQLERRD    = X'FFFFFF0B'  X'00000000'  X'00000000'  X'FFFFFFFF'
          X'00000000'  X'00000000' SQL DIAGNOSTIC INFORMATION            

And the result when the column actually contains a numeric valid value and not “Y”:

 DSNE615I NUMBER OF ROWS AFFECTED IS 1                      
 SELECT *                                                   
 FROM BOXWELL.SYSDUMMY1                                     
 WHERE IBMREQD = '1'                                        
 DSNE610I NUMBER OF ROWS DISPLAYED IS 1                     
 SELECT *                                                   
 FROM BOXWELL.SYSDUMMY1                                     
 WHERE IBMREQD = 1                                          

Cool and dangerous! Just like me! LoL ! ! !

2019-12 Fun with Db2 12 PBR RPN

I have recently enhanced our SpaceAssuranceExpert (SAX) product to automatically help out if partitions, or partitioned indexes, are getting too big for their boots in a productive system.

SAX – What is it?

The idea behind SAX, is to stop any and all chances of getting a dreaded SQLCODE -904 in production, especially “out of the blue”.

Our idea was, in Db2 12, with the new PBR RPN to do an on-the-fly ALTER to the DSSIZE, just like SAX does now with the SECQTY to avoid running out of extents.


A quick look in the manual tells you that :

it is an immediate ALTER (as long as you make the new DSSIZE larger than the old one!) and there are no package invalidations or REORGS required.

This is fantastic!

So I created a nice little PBR and then ran a horrible Cartesian join SPUFI to flood the first partition with data. This join had a TIME card of (,1) to limit it to one second of CPU before getting an Abend S322.

SAX Monitor

The SAX monitor reacted perfectly and did the TP alter to 513 GB DSSIZE (I had an increment size of 512 as a test), and got an SQLCODE -666 (I just love that SQLCODE…), as the INSERT was still running.

This ALTER was then internally queued to be attempted later, like in any other failure case.

All well and good.

Wham! Nasty errors !

Then I did the same for a DPSI on my PBR RPN… Oh dear!I got a nasty IO Error and then an even nastier ROLLBACK loop, meaning I had to cancel the IRLM to stop Db2… (There is an APAR for this problem PH18977.)

Rollback loop?

The ROLLBACK loop was caused by me choosing to use NOT LOGGED as a tablespace attribute. We have a finite amount of log space, and when the transaction was S322’d after one second of CPU,

the rollback could not find one of the archive logs and then we had to cold start Db2

– Not pretty!

Proper test!

I then wrote a couple of little test programs that actually COMMITted after 5000 inserts and then the ALTERs all worked as designed.

Do I worry too much about extended format and extended accessibility?

Next, I worried about the ominous “extended format and extended addressability“ attributes in the DATACLASS for a PBR RPN, and wondered what would happen if a customer has SAX running and it happily ALTERs a TP to say 6 GB when they can only address 4 GB…

IBM to the rescue!

Luckily for us, Db2 development had thought about this!

  • If you attempt to create a PBR RPN (even with a very small size) and your DATACLASS does not have the two attributes set, you get an error message 00D70008 telling you this detail.

  • If you ALTER an existing tablespace to be a PBR RPN and your DATACLASS does not have the two attributes set, then the ALTER works fine. But remember, this is a pending alter and you *must* do a REORG at the TS level with inline TP level copies. This REORG then fails – also with 00D70008.

So, in other words, SAX cannot hurt you here!

What about PBGs?

After all this we also considered PBGs. They have a limit as well – MAXPARTITIONS in their case. So we added an ability to also ALTER MAXPARTITIONS as well. Here you must be more careful though, as these ALTERs are still immediate *but* they invalidate any referring packages!


If you work with ABIND set to YES all is good as the ALTER comes in, Db2 invalidates your packages and the auto rebind happens so fast that you do not even notice it happening, however, if you work with ABIND NO then any packages, even the package actually running and doing the inserts, will fail! If you are just using dynamic SQL then it is 100% OK otherwise – Buyer beware!


I have opened an Analytics Idea (DB24ZOS-I-1057) to try and get this loophole closed, as I cannot see what access path change could be affected by going from 32 to, say, 36 MAXPARTITIONS.

Db2 keeps adding the parts dynamically and nothing happens then… Go figure… Anyway, if you would like it – Please vote for it!

There are already some nice comments attached to it:

  • DP commented

    this is just a limit in the catalog.  So how could access path be affected?  The actual growth of a partition doesn’t invalidate the package so how just changing the limit do so ?
  • BW commented

    I opened a Case on this asking why packages are being invalidated in this situation and it is still open waiting for a reply.
  • BD commented

    With only impact to catalog, not sure how Access Path would be impacted.  Seems wasteful and counter productive to invalidate packages.

Remember – You never stop learning!

As always I would be pleased to hear from you!

Roy Boxwell
Senior Architect

2019-11 Db2 Existence checks: SELECT for DUMMIES

Every now and again, the DBAs of the world meet with the developers of the world and try and bang some heads together…I already wrote a newsletter all about existence checks which has changed and evolved over the years and now I wish to investigate another age old problem: “Is Db2 there?”

Newsletter 2012-10: Existence check SQL – Through the ages
Reader test results: see the end of this newsletter for SELECT queries tested by one of our readers on Db2 10 and DB2 11.


First up, is “Why?” – Why would you want to know that?

Well think about our wonderful agile world these days. The JAVA developers do not even know what Db2 *is* and so when they write/script/generate/get generated for them SQL (Delete whatever is not appropriate), they have no idea *where* the code will run. To be fair, they should not really need to…the idea these days is that your back end can be anywhere and on any hardware platform.

So, wouldn’t it be cool to be able to tell the application that the required database is “not currently available” – This is when the “Is Db2 there?” SQL question, and all of its problems, was born.


  1. How to do this ?

  2. How often to do this ?

  3. Do you need to do this ?

  4. Haven’t you got better things to do than this?

1 – How to do this ?

The first problem was solved when a developer wrote this SQL:


PREPAREd, OPENed, FETCHed it and CLOSEd it. Now remember, with dynamic SQL, everything must be in cursors so you really did have to define a cursor, open the cursor, fetch the cursor and, if you are being a good coder, close the cursor. If all of this was successful then you “knew” that Db2 on z/OS was up and running and available for all your further SQL requests.

This was ok when there was not so much dynamic SQL going on (Before Db2 V8), but naturally it started getting a bit out of hand very quickly.

The SQL then changed a little bit to be:


The logic here was it could only return one row/value back and so made the network traffic less. Naturally Db2 went off and counted the single row in that table using a tablespace scan *every* time…

This slowly became a small, but very noticeable, overhead with 1,000,000’s of getpages against the smallest Db2 Catalog table ever invented…

Now Terry Purcell and the optimizer crew came up with the PRUNED access plan in Db2 9:


Db2 does not generate an access path for the query because the query is guaranteed to qualify zero rows, such as the case of an always-false WHERE clause.

For example: 

WHERE 0 = 1

This happens when a “leg” of an SQL query cannot ever be true. In this case, the complete leg of the SQL query is thrown away. With this advance in optimizer logic the predicate:

WHERE 1 = 0

Actually became really useful, as it meant that the *entire* SQL was only run through the optimizer and the SQLCODE was set to +100 if doing a FETCH with the * style SQL or the value of your host variable was set to zero if using the COUNT(*) style. This meant that the getpages for SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1 dropped down to zero – which is a very very good thing

IBM have been improving what PRUNED can do ever since, and Terry Purcell wrote :

“Another benefit of column pruning is that it can provide extra table pruning opportunities.
In Db2 10, an enhancement was delivered to prune outer join tables if no columns were required from that table and it was guaranteed that the table would not introduce duplicates. In Db2 12, this pruning enhancement is extended to outer joins to views/table expressions that are guaranteed not to return duplicates and no columns are required from the view/table expression.”

2 – How often to do this?

How long is a piece of string?

The problem is that when you do the “Is Db2 there?” test at the start of a long conversational transaction, it could well be that Db2 has disappeared at the end…

3 – Do you need to do this?

Again, an age-old question – Most JAVA frameworks do this (Like they do embedded COMMIT and ROLLBACK!) and so the simple answer is yes!

4 – Haven’t you got better things to do than this?

Of course you do! We all do, but these little changes can actually have a major impact on the overall machine throughput!

Measured Response

Here are some real word results of tests with dynamic SQL with/without the 1 = 0 and running a million times each. I have tried doing a variety of flavors, like Heinz…

First up are the SELECT * style selects:

     WHERE 1 = 0     
     WHERE 1 = 0
     WITH UR 
     WHERE 1 = 0 
     WITH UR 
    WHERE 1 = 0                 
    WITH CS                      
    WHERE 1 = 0                 
    WITH CS                      
FOR FETCH ONLY               
    WHERE 1 = 0                  
    WITH RR                      
    WHERE 1 = 0                  
    WITH RR                      
FOR FETCH ONLY               

Now the SELECT COUNT(*) style selects:

     WHERE 1 = 0     
     WHERE 1 = 0
     WITH UR 
     WHERE 1 = 0 
     WITH UR 
    WHERE 1 = 0                 
    WITH CS                      
    WHERE 1 = 0                 
    WITH CS                      
FOR FETCH ONLY               
    WHERE 1 = 0                  
    WITH RR                      
    WHERE 1 = 0                  
    WITH RR                      

The results were:

                            Rows   Rows  Index  Tblsp   
    StmtID  Execs  Getpg    exam   proc  Scans  Scans   
----------  -----  -----   -----  -----  -----  -----   
       867  1000K     2M   1000K  1000K      0  1000K   
       868  1000K      0       0      0      0      0   
       869  1000K      0       0      0      0      0   
       870  1000K      0       0      0      0      0   
       871  1000K      0       0      0      0      0   
       872  1000K      0       0      0      0      0   
       873  1000K      0       0      0      0      0   
       874  1000K      0       0      0      0      0 

       875  1000K     2M   1000K  1000K      0  1000K   
       876  1000K      0       0  1000K      0      0   
       877  1000K      0       0  1000K      0      0   
       878  1000K      0       0  1000K      0      0   
       879  1000K      0       0  1000K      0      0   
       880  1000K      0       0  1000K      0      0   
       881  1000K      0       0  1000K      0      0   
       882  1000K      0       0  1000K      0      0     

   StmtID   Tot. CPU  Avg. CPU   Tot. Elap  Avg. Elap  
----------  SS.mmmmmm  SS.mmmmmm  SS.mmmmmm  SS.mmmmmm  
       867   2.481068   0.000002  16.869174   0.000017  
       868   1.291817   0.000001   8.119036   0.000008  
       869   1.331707   0.000001   6.220308   0.000006  
       870   1.330709   0.000001   9.460538   0.000009  
       871   1.306633   0.000001   8.984930   0.000009  
       872   1.326517   0.000001   9.181043   0.000009  
       873   1.324213   0.000001   7.392330   0.000007  
       874   1.322115   0.000001   7.694403   0.000008
       875   3.066573   0.000003  18.824193   0.000019  
       876   1.467454   0.000001   6.168161   0.000006  
       877   1.478887   0.000001   7.714925   0.000008  
       878   1.480241   0.000001   9.903416   0.000010  
       879   1.477947   0.000001   9.965071   0.000010  
       880   1.469971   0.000001   9.195251   0.000009  
       881   1.467287   0.000001   8.687336   0.000009  
       882   1.487021   0.000001  11.742945   0.000012 

The SELECT * with WHERE 1 = 0 WITH UR is actually the winner!

Remember – You never stop learning!

As always, I would be pleased to hear from you!

Roy Boxwell
Senior Architect


Reader test results from Isaac Yassin:

Measured for dynamic SQL (SPUFI in UR mode – DSNESPUR), using Omegamon application trace. Same machine, same LPAR, same subsystem, measuring the 3rd consecutive execution of each SQL. Both do a „prepare/open/fetch/close“ according to trace.

select * from sysibm.sysdummy1 vs. select * from
sysibm.sysdummy1 where 0=1

The differences are:

For Db2 10

Without „where 0=1“

 PREPARE – InDB2 Time = 0.00048 InDB2 CPU = 0.00047
FETCH - 2 fetches, InDB2 time = 0.00131 InDB2 CPU= 0.00116 (avg. 0.00058)
LOCKs - Type = MDEL , Level = S , DB=DSNDB06 , PS=SYSEBCDC , Count = 1
Sequential scan of data page = 2 pages scanned, 1 row qualified

With „where 0=1“

PREPARE - InDB2 Time = 0.00077 InDB2 CPU = 0.00049
FETCH - 1 fetch, InDB2 time = 0.00008 , InDB2 CPU = 0.00008
Locks - none
NO sequential scan

For Db2 11

Without „where 0=1“

PREPARE - InDB2 Time = 0.00045 InDB2 CPU = 0.00045
FETCH - 2 fetches, InDB2 time = 0.00121 InDB2 CPU= 0.00120 (avg. 0.00060)
LOCKs - Type = MDEL , Level = S , DB=DSNDB06 , PS=SYSEBCDC , Count = 1
Sequential scan of data page = 2 pages scanned, 1 row qualified

With „where 0=1“

PREPARE - InDB2 Time = 0.00044 InDB2 CPU = 0.00044
FETCH - 1 fetch, InDB2 time = 0.00007 , InDB2 CPU = 0.00007
Locks - none
NO sequential scan
select 1 from sysibm.sysdummy1 vs. select 1 from sysibm.sysdummy1 where 0=1 

The differences are:

For Db2 10

Without „where 0=1“

PREPARE - InDB2 Time = 0.00057 InDB2 CPU = 0.00054
FETCH - 2 fetches, InDB2 time = 0.00015 InDB2 CPU= 0.00015 (avg. 0.00007)
LOCKs - None
No Sequential scan of data page

With „where 0=1“

PREPARE - InDB2 Time = 0.00060 InDB2 CPU = 0.00034
FETCH - 1 fetch, InDB2 time = 0.00006 , InDB2 CPU = 0.00006
Locks - none
NO sequential scan

For Db2 11

Without „where 0=1“

PREPARE - InDB2 Time = 0.00047 InDB2 CPU = 0.00047
FETCH - 2 fetches, InDB2 time = 0.00087 InDB2 CPU= 0.00082 (avg. 0.00041)
LOCKs - none
NO Sequential scan of data pages

With „where 0=1“

PREPARE - InDB2 Time = 0.00044 InDB2 CPU = 0.00044
FETCH - 1 fetch, InDB2 time = 0.00007 , InDB2 CPU = 0.00007
Locks - none
NO sequential scan of data pages

Bottom line

„select 1“ works better than „select *“ as you don’t really scan the data and not taking locks, using „where 0=1“ eliminates 1 fetch and the locks & scan as well.

Isaac Yassin