Migration HealthCheck freeware automatically analyses Db2 subsystems to determine deprecated objects.
The Freeware version reports “deprecated objects”
Migration HealthCheck (MHC) analyzes a Db2 subsystem and reports deprecated objects, that aren’t supported anymore in the current version, or function level. These, so-called “deprecated objects” are often substantially restricted, so a timely migration is highly recommended.
The analysis is based on official announcements of IBM.
MHC is especially useful in preparation for a Db2 version migration. It provides an overview of objects that are already restricted, or that’ll become unusable by the migration in a quick and easy way.
The Fee based version generates the required steps to migrate.
An additional Add On can be purchased to generate the required command, or ALTER statement, with exactly the right options to migrate “deprecated objects”.
This not only assures reliable operation of Db2 systems and applications, but also the various advantages of modern and enhanced Db2 objects and functions in a simple and comfortable way.
Key benefits:
- Automatically reports (basic freeware version) and migrates (fee based version) “deprecated objects”. The add-on option generates the required statements and options for the different objects
- Improves SQL performance
- Assists in Db2 version migration pre- and post-processing
- Delivers sub-system object KPIs
- Modernizes Db2 systems and indemnifies state-of-the-art operations
- Secures the Return on Investment of migration efforts