ZOWE was announced at SHARE 2018 in St. Louis. Executives from IBM, CA Technologies, Rocket Software and the Open Mainframe Project spoke of their desire to make Db2 more readily-available to users of all skill levels.
Zowe, the first open-source framework for z/OS, is poised to break new ground for IBM z clients. This also marked the start of transformation of Db2 for z/OS Tools. Zowe provides features and functions for all different types and experience levels of users, database- and application administrators.
We at SOFTWARE ENGINEERING GmbH / SEGUS Inc. are convinced this will be the new face of the mainframe in the very near future. We have transformed the ISPF and Eclipse UI of our Space AssuranceExpert for Db2 z/OS (SAX), SQL WorkloadExpert for Db2 z/OS (WLX) and WLX Audit for Db2 z/OS. All 3 products come as a zero-Client installation, with a browser-based graphical interface, leveraging Zowe™ virtual desktop.