These were introduced years and years ago in DB2 9 – Remember that version?? Anyway the basic idea was to streamline and simplify the DB2 side of things as well as the DBA work ( Creation, control and performance.) The central change was the elimination of a need to initialize a Language Environment where the compiled program will execute. The creation of this environment and the need to pass all of the SQL calls back-and-forth added a large amount of overhead and hindered the mass acceptance of Stored Procedures (on the mainframe). As an added bonus it also gave us the possible usage of zIIP – Only from DRDA at the moment but any usage is pretty good!
Now this newsletter is *not* going to get into the coding aspects as there are tons of examples and red books out there but more into the technical realization (How do I EXPLAIN the darn things) and the “Replace all , none or some” methodology.
How to create a Native SQL procedure?
To create a Native SQL Procedure you must *not* use the FENCED or EXTERNAL NAME keywords in the PROCEDURE creation body. An extra tip for the SPUFI users amongst us is to switch the SPUFI SQL format default to be SQLPL it makes it a lot easier to build and test (Unless you use DataStudio to do it all for you of course!). In case you are wondering the default panel looks like this
CURRENT SPUFI DEFAULTS SSID: S91A ===> 1 SQL TERMINATOR .. ===> ; (SQL Statement Terminator) 2 ISOLATION LEVEL ===> CS (RR=Repeatable Read, CS=Cursor Stability,UR=Uncommitted Read) 3 MAX SELECT LINES ===> 9999 (Max lines to be return from SELECT) 4 ALLOW SQL WARNINGS===> YES (Continue fetching after sqlwarning) 5 CHANGE PLAN NAMES ===> NO (Change the plan names used by SPUFI) 6 SQL FORMAT....... ===> SQL (SQL, SQLCOMNT, or SQLPL)
This then “enables” the line number of the SQL to be used as QUERYO automatically thus enabling you to explain and *find* the results!!! A very good idea these days!
The question now is: Have you migrated all your “old” C programs across yet? If not – Why not?
Now we all know the saying “if it aint broke don’t fix it!” however in this case the time and effort involved in choosing the stored procedures that get migrated is well worth it. First you should get yourself some knowledge from the documentation and the web all about building, versioning (a very cool feature of Native SQL procedures by the way!) and DEPLOYing these things (An even cooler feature as the DEPLOY option stops the BIND on production and therefore the access path currently in use in test is simply “copied over” to the remote production system. Of course you must have access to the remote production system from test to do this and that is normally a no no – sadly!).
As always it is better to start out with a couple of “the usual suspects” and once these have been migrated across and monitored *and* the savings calculated – Then you should roll out a general plan for all of the current “heavy hitters”
For further reading I can recommend the red book “DB2 9 Stored Procedures: Through the CALL and Beyond“ sg247604 which was last updated in Feb 2011 so it is still “fresh”!
There are also two compact and concise technical articles. First is a Blog entry from Peggy Zagelow and then a very nice technote. Last, but not least, have alook at this 2 parts article from Linda Claussen.
Feel free to send me your comments and ask questions.
Roy Boxwell
Senior Architect