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GSE – Guide Share Europe – May 2019

Signal Iduna Insurance Joseph-Scherer-Straße 3, Dortmund

Meet us at the GSE – Guide Share Europe May 2019 in Dortmund, Germany – Signal Iduna Insurance Group - Db2 Admin - (BDb2D) - Db2 Guide and attend our presentation

Saint Louis Db2 Users Group – May 2019

STDLUG St. Louis

Meet us at the STLDUG – Saint Louis Db2 Users Group, MO, USA – 14. May 2019 and attend our presentation.
"An Audit a day keeps the lawyers at bay!"
Audit and Compliance is one of the big challenges companies are facing these days. With GDPR and a bunch of other laws either in force or "coming soon to an auditor near you" it is time to bite the bullet and start working with the auditor not against.
This presentation shows how you can answer Who did What When ‐ whenever needed.