Latest Past Events

IDUG Db2 Tech Conference 2018 in Philadelphia

Loews Philadelphia Hotel 1200 Market St, Philadelphia

IDUG Db2 Tech Conference 2018 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
View our Pdf presentation on Continuous Delivery :
- Db2 12 – 12 months agile production experience with more focus on the Data and less on the base

Southwest Db2 Users Group – February 2018

pancake house 1505 William D Tate Ave, Grapevine

SEGUS & SOFTWARE ENGINEERING proudly sponsor this event and present:
1 Compliance with compliments! Viable Db2 z/OS workload tracking: A presentation about capturing DDL, DML, DCL and more of the entire workload, by exploiting resource friendly IFCID technology.
2 Db2 12 Continuous Delivery – New challenges for deployment: A presentation about Db2 12 Continuous Delivery and how it affects Db2 migration/maintenance strategies.
3 Db2 z/OS Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics: A presentation about Db2 RUNSTATS, BIND/REBIND enhancements and how to protect/recover access paths.

Heart of Texas Db2 Users Group – February 2018

SEGUS & SOFTWARE ENGINEERING proudly sponsor this event and present:
1 Compliance with compliments! Viable Db2 z/OS workload tracking: A presentation about capturing DDL, DML, DCL and more of the entire workload, by exploiting resource friendly IFCID technology.
2 Db2 12 Continuous Delivery – New challenges for deployment: A presentation about Db2 12 Continuous Delivery and how it affects Db2 migration/maintenance strategies.
3 Db2 z/OS Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics: A presentation about Db2 RUNSTATS, BIND/REBIND enhancements and how to protect/recover access paths.