Northeast Ohio Database Users Group – September 2018

Crown Plaza Independance 5300 Rockside Rd, Independance, OH, United States

Treffen Sie uns auf der Northeast Ohio Database Users Group 2018, September, OH, USA und nehmen Sie an unserer Präsentation teil. NEODBUG

IDUG Db2 Tech Conference 2018 in Malta

Hotel Intercontinental Malta St. George's Bay, St. Julians, St Julians, Malta

Treffen Sie uns auf der IDUG IDUG EMEA 2018, Stand 10 in Malta, und nehmen Sie an unserer Präsentationen teil:
1 - Workload Replay in a Continuous Delivery world: VSP Präsentation,
(voraussichtlicher Termin) Dienstag, den 7. November, 2018
2 - An Audit a day keeps the lawyers at bay! AppDev & Analytics II Präsentation,
Donnerstag den 8. November, 2018 - 9:40-10:40 AM

GSE – Db2 Guide – Systemverwaltung – November 2018

Courtyard Düsseldorf Hafen Speditionstraße 11, Düsseldorf, nrw, Deutschland

Conference language is German BDb2D - Db2 Systemverwaltung - Herbsttagung 2018 - GSE Guide Konferenz Düsseldorfer Medienhafen : Mariott Courtyard Hotel Anmeldung in zwei Schritten : 1 Anmeldung zur Tagung :  über   2 Übernachten:  Hotelzimmer buchen (Vorteilspreis darunter) 1 - Anmeldung für die Tagung über GSE  - Guide Share Europe Bitte melden sie

Wisconsin Db2 Users Group – März 2019

Aurora St. Luke’s South Shore 5900 S. Lake Dr., Cudahy, Wisconsin, Vereinigte Staaten

WDUG – Wisconsin Db2 Users Group, WI, USA – 6. März 2019 in Aurora St. Luke's South Shore, WI, USA

Tridex März 2019

IBM New York 590 Madison Avenue, Room 1219, 12th Floor, New York, NY, United States

Treffen Sie uns auf der Tridex März 2018 in New York, und nehmen Sie an unserer Präsentationen teil:
1 - "An Audit a day keeps the lawyers at bay!" from Roy Boxwell
Audit and Compliance is one of the big challenges companies are facing these days. With GDPR and a bunch of other laws either in force or "coming soon to an auditor near you" it is time to bite the bullet and start working with the auditor not against.
This presentation shows how you can answer Who did What When ‐ whenever needed.

2 - „ZOWE – The zGui (r)evolution - First hands on experience and best practices“ from Ulf Heinrich
The evolution of the mainframe had a variety of GUI approaches, some lasted for a while, some never took off at all. However, it was never THE COMMON ecosystem used by all products and all vendors.

At the 2018 SHARE, IBM, Rocket Software and CA Technologies announced ZOWE – THE z ecosystem to securely manage, control, script and develop.

Of course, an announcement is probably not the final truth, but from what I’ve already seen and used I’m more than enthused. This presentation shows you the basics you need to understand ZOWE, summarizes the steps you need to use it and illustrates how ISPF online and batch applications are supported fromthe GUI world.

New England Db2 Users Group – März 2019

Old Sturbridge Village 21 Old Sturbridge Village Road, Sturbridge, MA, Vereinigte Staaten

NEDB2UG - New England Db2 Users Group - 28. März 2019 - Old Sturbridge Village, MA, USA.