Tridex Db2 z/OS

Tridex Db2 z/OS quarterly meeting - virtual

SHARE New Orleans 2023

Hyatt Regency New Orleans 601 Loyola Avenue, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

SHARE - The Best in User-Focused Education

CCDUG 2023

Institute for Learning 3550 Pharmacy avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

CCDUG - Ultimately, deliver world-class Db2 & IMS education

IDUG 2023 EMEA Db2 Tech Conference

Prague Congress Centre 5. května 1640/65, Prague, Tschechien

Meet us at our booth and join our IDUG EMEA 2023 presentations "It's AI Jim, but not as we know it!" and "BUFFERPOOL Tuning – The Next Generation"


Palacio de Congresos Valencia 60 Avinguda de les Corts Valencianes, València, Spain

Meet us at booth 11 and join our IDUG EMEA 2024 presentations "Bufferpool Tuning - The Next Generation" and "Audit your Db2 for z/OS - Isn‘t she aDORAble!!"

CCDUG 2025 Central Canada Db2 Users Group

IBM Canada 8200 Warden Ave, Unionville, Ontario, Canada

Meet us at the Central Canada Db2 Users Group and join our presentations:
-Audit your Db2 for z/OS – Isn‘t she aDORAble!!
-Exploit Certificates and eliminate tiresome password-pains in z/OS and USS

IDUG 2025 North America Db2 Tech Conference

Hyatt Regency Atlanta 265 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Meet us at our booth and join our presentations:
-Isn't she aDORAble? A DBAs guide to DORA, PCI DSS V4.0.1 and how to survive an audit!
-RUNSTATS Master - reloaded
-Understand, manage and love certificates in z/OS and USS